I tend to think that I'm a tough girl, at least tougher than I look but this city had it's way with me. For the entire first week, I was layed out, other than forcing myself to go to work, I hardly got off the couch or left my apt. Even my car staged a protest, the battery died after 3 days of this hot mess! In that forced time at home I began nesting, which I enjoyed thoroughly.
OK....before I go any further...if you live in NYC and tend to covet the domestic amenities that rarely come with a NYC apt. or you get jealous and stage an "I hate NYC" day when you think about your college friends living out in middle America with a white picket fence.....then you may want to stop reading!! YOU'VE OFFICIALLY BEEN WARNED!!!
Anyway, in my sickly state I began to make my temporary living space a "home". Rarely have I had a significant amount of space to myself, I grew up in a modest house with 5 other family members and have lived with multiple roommates since. To have 800 square feet all to myself, is like a little slice of heaven! Then to add a big kitchen with a dishwasher, walk-in closet, a patio, washer/dryer(in my apt....I mean seriously?), more storage space than I know what to do with, 2 pools, a hot tub, 24 hour fitness center and a covered parking spot(my very own parking spot!!!!)......the good Lord just backed up the blessing truck!!!!
It has been so wonderful to wake up in the morning, cook a nice breakfast, sit on the patio with my journal and a book while the dishwasher is running and a load of clothes is in the wash with another in the dryer. Sometimes I get all the appliances going at once just because I can :) The washer doesn't even leave any marks on my clothes and the dryer never goes unbalanced like one washer/dryer unit shared by my entire building in my NYC apt. :)
No comparison to a tiny crew cabin I thought I'd be living in on the cruiseship for 6 months.
So here are the photos of my home away from home that I've been promising my Mom, Aunt Gail and Alison I would post for the past 3 months.
My Dance Dance Room!!! I've only hit my head on the chandelier once or twice :)
Patio (with my apt. mascot AKA the foam roller)
1 comment:
Yay! I found your blog! Now, I'm passing on a little internet love to you... If you want, answer these questions with one-word answers and post. I just did it, and you can read mine if you want;
Where is your mobile phone?
Where is your significant other?
Your hair colour?
Your mother?
Your father?
Your favourite thing?
Your dream last night?
Your dream goal?
The room you're in?
Your hobby?
Your fear?
Where do you want to be in 6 years?
Where were you last night?
What you're not?
One of your wish-list items?
Where you grew up?
The last thing you did?
What are you wearing?
Your TV?
Your pets?
Your computer?
Your mood?
Missing someone?
Your car?
Something you're not wearing?
Favourite shop?
Your summer?
Love someone?
Your favourite colour?
When is the last time you laughed?
When is the last time you cried?
Love you!
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