Thursday, August 7, 2008

On The Road Again...

The day after my friend Kate's wedding, I packed up as many of my earthly possessions as I could fit in the back of my car and set out on a journey across the country! It was a perfect send off with a lovely Father's Day brunch with my parents, gramps, and brother and the warm fuzzies of having just spent the last 3 days with close friends at the wedding.

It was such a relief to have made it through the 5 weeks of turbulence and so exhilarating to be on my way into this new chapter of life. But there was so much more in store for this journey than I ever could have imagined.

About a month prior I had started to have difficulty breathing, my heart would race spontaneously, and I just couldn't get a full breath. I had never suffered from anxiety before but I think that's what was happening. No matter how hard I tried to relax or prayed for God to teach me or just take it away it wouldn't relent. All I got was that God wanted me to be patient and trust Him. I like to deal with things as they come up but there was more going on than I could absorb and it just built up and manifest itself physically. It didn't feel so good :(

The first leg of the journey from my parents house in Meriden, CT to NYC was like one huge deep breath. I could feel the old anxious skin shedding off and the hope of what was ahead filled my lungs and relaxed my senses. My friend Duff offered to help me drive the first leg of the trip to Nashville. We had a blast, hitting up the Crackerbarrel, watching movies, experiencing Sheets(the best rest stop in the great US of A),
stopping for gas by JMU :) , and landing in Nashville just in time for breakfast at the Pancake Pantry. Having someone there to help lighten the load brought about a huge revelation. It was like God yelled in my ear "Marisa....just let go....I've got you....I'm here to guide take care of lighten the load....just let go and surrender it all to Me"!

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